Do Your Kids Talk to God?

Do your kids talk to God? Prayer is more than thanking God for a meal before we eat or asking for help when someone we love is sick. Prayer is one way we get to know God. It’s when we talk to Him, and when He talks to us.

You can help your kids get into the habit of talking to God throughout their day. Invite them to tell you about conversations they have with Him, and share with them how you talk to Him too. Do you ask God little questions like where you left your keys? Do you ask Him to help you be a good friend or think through a difficult decision? Let your kids in on some of these conversations. You wouldn’t send them into the world without social skills, so don’t send them into the world without knowing how to interact with God.

You wouldn’t send them into the world without social skills, so don’t send them into the world without knowing how to interact with God.

Think of what life would be like for a child who never learned how to interact with his or her peers. They would grow up without the skills necessary to advance in life or make friends or keep jobs. They wouldn’t be able to accurately assess their circumstances or make decisions regarding themselves and others. God is the most important One in our lives, but many children (and adults too) struggle to know how to relate to Him. But like most things in life, getting comfortable with and developing the habit of talking to God just takes a little practice.

We’ve put together a printout that you can use to talk to your kids about talking to God. Download it. Print it. Hang it on the refrigerator or next to your child’s bed.

Remind them that they can talk to God about anything at all, and they do not always have to bow their heads and close their eyes. They don’t even have to say amen, because the conversation really never ends.

They can tell God if they think a joke is funny or a song is pretty or if they’re not looking forward to a trip to the grocery store. Your kids can tell God absolutely anything at all. All that chatter they send your way? They can send it God’s way too. And they should!

“The Lord is near to all who call on Him.” Psalm 145:18

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